
Are You Strong Enough?

Are You Strong Enough?
On my weekly commute to BC, I was listening to the song “Strong Enough” by Matthew West and I came to a great realization and it brought me to a deeper understanding of myself and my faith in God. I am so weak.

Wow! Stupendous breakthrough! Ha-ha, I know that is what all of you are thinking right now. And I had to laugh myself when I thought of this. Why did I all of the sudden come this realization? Why did it hit me so hard? Because it was real, and because it was the Holy Spirit that revealed it to me, this is not by my own understanding but by God’s understanding that I came to see this. I saw how small, insignificant and weak I actually am. In fact he not only revealed the thought to me but showed it to me.

The picture that I have included with my blog post, I took on my drive to Cranbrook. (Don’t worry; I pulled over to take it), and the scripture verse came with it. 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;” Psalm 121: 1- 3. Even now as I am writing this, God is speaking to me, I have chosen song at random to listen too from my library and they all seem to have the same theme, “My Hope” by Matt Redman, and “In Christ Alone” All have the same messages carried throughout them. Where does my help come from? To whom shall I turn, who can I run to, rely on. I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH!

Guess what, we may not be strong enough, but God is! We can never carry the burdens of this world alone. The temptations that you face each and every day can only be brought down when we turn it over to Him. Together with God, we can face all obstacles that stand in our way.

God, I give up, I am not strong enough to do it alone, help me I pray, help me in the way that only you can. I am weak, but you are strong.

Remember this when you go through your day to day activities, whether it be work, school, or play, trials and temptations are bound to come your way, but when you involve the Lord they can easily be overcome.

I am hoping that all of this makes sense to people. I know it does to me. I am actually going to start writing my next sermon on this Bible passage, and go into a little more detail about all of this.

Pray to God and ask Him to reveal something to you in the next day, I try and listen to Him at every opportunity that I get, (I said try, I am not perfect and it doesn't happen as often as it should.) Read your Bible every day, if you need help set a reminder in your calendar, put an alarm on your phone, but spend some time in God’s word. Even 5 minutes a day can make a great difference.

Be blessed and remember to keep the faith!


  1. ...am using this psalm in the funeral i am doing tomorrow...use it OFTEN in the work i do....thanks Mitchell...u.p.

    1. Thanks u.p. I hope that this Psalm holds as much meaning to those that you are speaking it to, as it does to me.

      I am sure you hear this enough, but I pray that God blesses you for the work that you do, I know you lift a lot of people up and I know you will be greatly blessed for it :)
