Who is my neighbor?
God is love, remember this always. No matter what you do, or don't do God still loves you, but He loves you too much to leave you the way you are. God loves everyone equally and He wants you to do the same to those surrounding you in your life. Love your neighbor as you yourself want to be loved, I mentioned this last night, and I am going to go a little bit more into detail of how to carry it out with those around you.
What are the main things people need to survive? Food, water and shelter, these are the 3 basic needs of every human being, but can we function without love, compassion, friendship? We can but we cannot live life to it's fullness without them, the same can be said when it comes to showing these things to others, we cannot live full rich Christian lives unless we show these things to our neighbors.
So what can you do as an individual to love your neighbor? "I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:36. This is how you show love to your neighbor. We have been entrusted by God to heal the sick, care for the widows, and comfort those who are suffering, to feed the hungry and pray for those who need to be saved. I will admit that I am not very good at any of this, in fact I am going to share 2 stories with you.
I was going to 7-Eleven one night to grab some snack stuff, usual routine. When I got out of the store I was approached by a homeless man on bike, asking for money or something. He told me he was embarrassed and he was staying in the shelter but needed some money to get some food. I told him I had nothing to give him and drove away.
My wife was going to the Dollar Store to pick up some odds and ends, and before she went inside she was approached by a homeless lady asking for money, my wife said she had and went into the store. While in the store though she bought her some socks, and a few other items and also a Bible. She walked out of the store and the lady was no where to be found, she drove around and tried to find her, but couldn't. She was crying over the fact that she couldn't find this lady.
Who loved their neighbor in these 2 events? My wife of course. These are actual events that happened, and they happen to all of us on a constant basis. My wife chose the right action, she had the proper follow through and even though she could not find the homeless lady, her heart and compassion went to her and God will reward her for it. I on the other hand feel extreme guilt over not doing anything for the homeless person that I encountered.
I'm not saying to you to go out and find a homeless person and buy them food or anything, if that is what God is telling you to do, great! But He may be calling you to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, or to go to the old folks home, raise money for a local shelter or donate items to a food bank, work on a crisis hotline. There are many ways to show love to your neighbor. Like I said yesterday the concept is easy, it is the follow through that matters.
I leave you with one more Bible passage that God has put on my heart in regards to all of this, and it weighs heavily on my heart. "I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me." Matthew 25:45. It hurts to write that verse and realize that that was me.
Don't let opportunity pass you by, show love to your neighbor the first time you have a chance. Bless others, raise them up and the same will be done for you when you need it.
Thanks again everyone, keep the faith and God bless!