
Walking In Righteousness

Walking In Righteousness

        What does it mean to walk in righteousness? The dictionary's definition of righteousness is this:

— adj
1.a. characterized by, proceeding from, or in accordance withaccepted standards of morality justice, or uprightness;virtuous: a righteous man
b. ( as collective noun preceded by the ): the righteous
2.morally justifiable or right, esp from one's own point of view:righteous indignation
(taken from www.dictionary.com

        Notice how point 2 says from ones own point of view? I find that very interesting, that we justify our actions as righteous because it is from our own point of view. This is how society justifies right and wrong, "I see it this way, so it must be right, or I see it from this way so it must be wrong." But by Gods definition through His holy word, it is not by our own standards but His standards. Walking in righteousness means to walk in purity, holiness, the act of being right with God. 
       We can come to this by several verses in the Bible, but I am going to use one to prove my point. Acts 13:10 says this: "And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?" With this scripture verse can we not assume that every work that Satan does is the opposite of walking in righteousness? 
       Of course we can, does Satan embody holiness or purity? No, but Jesus Christ does, and He is our example, He has shown us how we are to live our life, how we are to be righteous, to be right with God. So now I come back to my original question, what does it mean, and in turn how do we do it?
        The choice is simple, but the path is hard. Yesterday I mentioned the struggles we face as Christians, and that is part of what happens when you walk the path of righteousness. The world will hate and despise you, you will be persecuted for the path you choose to walk, and you are sure to stumble along the way. We have to learn to pray for those who persecute you, we show love to those who have no love for us, we need to care for the elderly, widows, those who are sick, and show love and compassion to the sinners of this world, even when it is really hard to do so.
        I can hear what you are saying, and who am I to say this? What right do I have? I have no right to say this, I am far from being perfect or righteous, but I am trying. We will never achieve true righteousness until God calls us home, but we can strive to achieve it we can work on it every day. And that is exactly what I am doing, I am taking it day by day. It starts with one small step, that first leap of faith.
       So what are you waiting for? Take that first step if you haven't already. 

        Thanks for reading, remember to post you comments questions and concerns. I expect nothing but complete honesty from any who wish to post. 

        I am going to tackle a hard subject tomorrow. Faith, so I hope you read tomorrow. 

        God bless.

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