Walking in faith
One of the hardest things that the world cannot understand and accept is faith, and it is also one of the biggest things to hold us as Christians back. Jesus said "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you." Luke 17 :6, but we seem to be lacking in the faith department now a days. We have faith in the things of man, but the lack faith in the things of God. Christians are being absorbed into the world because we have taken out the line that was between the ways of the world and the ways of the Almighty God. In fact, we put more faith in thing of the world. Let me explain it in a way that it has been explained to me.
You are flying over seas on a large airplane, do you know that the pilot has been well trained? Do you know that all the engines are in perfect running order? Are you sure that the landing gear works properly, or that the flight tower is in constant communication with pilot in regards to on coming planes? No, but you have faith that all of these concerns have been looked after and there is no need for you to worry. My question is this, would you get on a bus if God told you too? Would you give up half your paycheck if He asked you too? More often than not, our response is no, because we lack faith in Him and in His plans for us.
The scripture verse at the top of this post says it all:
Word of God
We lack faith, because we are not hearing God, and we are not hearing God because we are not immersed in His word and His word does not coincide with what we want.
Faith is a muscle. You have to use it in order for it to get any stronger. And what does it take to grow your faith? Hearing God and following his word. Once again, we come back to a definite struggle that we as Christians face, we are great at listening for the most part, but we suck at the follow through, because it is too hard to face and most of us lack the faith to see it through to the end. My mother had a great saying though, God will never throw anything at you that He knows you cannot handle. It takes great faith to walk the Christian walk, and trust God in all that he is doing, and that He knows best.
So next time you are going through a hard time, or you are struggling with something, it could be temptation, envy, greed, pride it doesn't matter what. Flex that muscle of faith, trust in God that He will see you through it, even if the choice isn't the one that you normally would make, have a little faith in His plans. A little faith can go a long way.
Thanks again for reading, if you have any suggestions, topics or opinions, leave a post. I am happy to hear from anyone. If you like what you have read, and you think you know someone else who should read it, pass it on. I am not doing this for myself, but for those Christians out there who need encouragement, who uplifting, and who need to know that they are not the only ones struggling in their Christian walk.
You are not alone in your struggles, God is with you, and we have all been down that road before. But together, we can get through it.
Keep the faith and God bless.
Good stuff honey! I like the airplane analogy. :)