Who comes first?
Good evening everyone! I know, my post is late but it has been a little hectic around my house. I hope that everyone has had a chance to reflect on some of things that I have posted in past little while, remember that unless you put what you see hear or read into action there is no point to it, you are just going through the motions. I am not trying to beat anyone up either in this, it is something that I have be constantly reminded of as well, and we are all just human.
But enough of that, lets get to my post for the night, we have all heard the phrase "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" A question that plagues mankind, and something we will never have the answer too. I have another question for you that plagues the Christian mind, and pushes us harder than most other things, "Who comes first, God or your family?"
Take a minute and think about that.
Think of your own life, you can be married, single, divorced, young or old, this question needs to be answered by all of us and you are better off making the choice sooner rather than later. Right now in your life, who comes first?
A while ago, my answer was; I thought God, because I thought God wanted me to put my family first, in fact I had never even thought about this question at all, it had no relevance in my life; because I thought it was on in the same. Love your family and put them first and in that you are putting God and what he wants first. Boy was I ever wrong in that, and I had to do some deep soul searching and spend a lot of time in Gods word to find the truth in this. The stupid thing is actually, is that it has been taught to us all at a very young age, but we have neglected to see the meaning behind it all and take it at face value.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." Luke 10:27.
Do you see it there? Do you see what we have all been blind too? It is the truth that God must come first in your life. Above your spouse, your brother or sister, your mom or dad, even your kids. I know, its a hard pill to swallow, and a lot of times, when we see the question it sets us in a tail spin. We begin to reflect on what that means, especially in marriage. I am going to be honest with you, it can wreck your marriage..... if you go about it wrong.
I speak from experience, it will shake the foundation that your marriage was previously set upon, and often times in a Christian marriage this is where things take a turn for the worse. It is that sink or swim situation, and we often end up on the brink of drowning, but do not fear, have hope, it is only as bad as you make it. Let me explain.
We are human and are therefore unable to grasp the mind of God right? We have a helpmate to help us understand it though, and that is the Holy Spirit. He can make sense of all that confuses us about God. If you think about this question from a human perspective, sure it will shatter your fragile little mind, but if you think about it in the spiritual sense it will seem a lot better.
God wants our full attention on Him and the plans that He has for us, married, single, young or old. You cannot do His will unless you put your full attention on Him, and He will never steer you wrong. When you are married God has to be at the center of your life as a couple and that is a choice you as a couple has to make, and it is choice that you have to constantly be making. When you are single, it is a little easier to make the choice to put God at the center of your life, not much, but it is a little.
Just because God is first does not mean that your marriage is doomed because you have to focus all of your attention on God, far from it. Your marriage is blessed if God is the focus of it, and if your are single your life is much better off if you make that choice now to put God as the focus of it all, if you have God at the center you will obey His commandments, you will listen to His will and obey His word.
This is why God must come first, we are not fit to run our lives, we mess up royally when we are without His guidance. It may seem like a hard task, but you will be better off once you make the choice to focus on Him, His glory and His love for you and those around you.
Take some time to pray about this, pray with your spouse, your kids, your mom and dad, your friends. Make a choice to put God in His rightful place in your life.
I want to take this time and offer this to anyone out there who needs prayer, I am happy to pray for any ones needs, concerns, or struggles. We need each other to lean upon and to give each other support and prayer. If you are not comfortable asking for prayer in a post below, drop me a line at muizelaarmitchell@gmail.com.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face toward you,
And give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26
This is the blessing that I leave you with, and my prayer as well. Keep the faith, I am praying for you.
Happy Fathers day to all you dads out there for tomorrow, if you drop in tomorrow I have a special blog intended just for the men out there.
God bless!
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