
Who is my neighbor? Part1

Who is my neighbor?

       "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27. Repeat that, love your neighbor as yourself, seems simple enough, the person next door, mow their lawn cook them a meal every now and then. So very wrong, the concept is easy, it's the follow through that is so much more. So, who is your neighbor?
       The answer like I said is easy, everyone you come into contact with is your neighbor, everyone that you meet, talk to, interact with and even pass by on the street  is your neighbor. You can love your neighbor, in fact most of the time they are just as easy enough to ignore them, but can you love them as yourself, can you love them as much as you love you yourself wants to be loved. 
       We as humans long to be loved, not only do we long for it we need it. If we do not feel love and appreciation we do not function right, and if we do not receive love we cannot give it in return. If a child is not shown love from it's mother when it is first born, it dies and the same thing happens to us as adults, something in side of us dies and we cannot do the things we normally do. That is why God is love, His very nature is love, and He gives His love to us freely. In return though we need to show the same kind of love to our neighbor.

       I will continue with this a little bit more in detail tomorrow night. Just think about it for a while tonight, and ask God to reveal your neighbors to you, and to help you show them the same love that you want you and that has been given to you.

      Keep the faith and God bless!

      For those of you on facebook, remember to share this if you like it. :)

1 comment:

  1. shared this with the seniors in facilities this week..I asked them " by a show of hands, how many people always loved / love their neighbors here? "...out of about 100 there were 2 hands..normal for sure..but the big reminder is the 1st line of this verse..love the Lord your God with ALL ___. Now if one can do that loving yer neighbor ain't supposed to be to hard..but of course sin gets in the way...thanks Mitch!
