



       1.an allowance of time after a debt or bill has become payable granted to the debtor before suit can be brought against him or her or a penalty applied
       2.mercy; clemency; pardon:

       Now, I gave you 2 definitions but in regards to our Christian walk they are one. This is what we call divine grace, this is the grace of God.

       We are all sinners, we sin everyday and for the most part we don't even give it a second thought, that's even if we notice the sin in the first place, and because of sin we deserve to die. Harsh, isn't it. Something that is essentially human nature for us makes us deserve death, and literally separates us from God, from hearing His words to us, and have a true relationship with Him.
       "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son; that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3: 16. This is divine grace.
We had a debt to pay for our sins, and that debt was death, but Jesus paid for that debt for us, He offered us grace with no penalties, and an infinite allowance of time. He showed us true mercy, and He pardoned us from debt that we could not pay even though we deserved it.
       We have an awesome gift and often times we forget about, we beat ourselves up about the sins that we have committed and we rarely forget it. That is the devil's most powerful tool against, and he uses it often. We take grace for granted, it is one of our most powerful things, (in fact it is why we are alive today), and we waste it. It is the best thing to use to convince people that they need Christ, and to be saved, and it satan's best  thing against us to bring us back down.
      Do not forget about Gods divine grace, ask for forgiveness and you shall have, He will wash away your sin's whiter than snow and remember them no more. But only if you choose to let them go. Tell the devil to back off and leave you alone! Your sins are forgiven and always will be, so long as you bring them to the cross.

      His grace is sufficient for you, for me, for all of us but only if we accept it. A pardon can only be valid if we choose to accept it. 

       My thoughts and prayers go with you all tonight, remember grace a don't ever let the devil tell you otherwise.

       Keep the faith and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. "As far as the east is from the west, so has He removed our transgressions from us..."
    You're bang on here, bud. One of the devil's most powerful tools against Christianity is guilt. Doing mighty exploits for God requires complete confidence in our relationship with God. Guilt robs us of that confidence.
