
Lead Me

Lead Me

Today is Fathers day, a day to honor the men who raised us, taught us and disciplined us and where those of us who are married and have children are honored by our family. But it is also a day for us as men to reflect on our Heavenly Father, and all that he has done for us and what he expects of us as the heads of our families. I have a short video to show that shares exactly what I am talking about. The video is band named Sanctus Real, and the song is called lead me.

            We as fathers and husbands and men of God have a great responsibility and a vital role to play in our family’s lives and the lives of those around us, and it is a role that is not a light undertaking. God has blessed us with great and wonderful gifts in our sons, daughter’s wives and in the friends around us and it is our job to lead them down the right paths. To train them and instruct them in our Fathers ways, to raise them up when they are down and to catch them when they fall. Just as they are a gift and a blessing to us, we to must be the same to them.
            Our wives and children are crying out for us to lead them, Matt Hammitt, the lead singer of the band Sanctus Real wrote this song when he and his wife were going through some difficult times and he wrote the first 2 verses from his wife’s standpoint and his daughter’s standpoint. This is a real cry, we all married strong women who can handle the hard times with great determination but they need someone to lead them through it, and if you aren’t there it makes it all the harder to get though. We need to be the ones standing beside them and holding them up when things are hard. You may be just getting home from work but she has spent all day at home with a screaming baby, the 2 year old decided to redecorate the hallway with crayons and the 14 year old has locked herself in her room and refuses to open the door because her life is over. You have to be strong for your wife in these times and all times.
Our kids need their fathers to be there for them, to teach them how to seek the Lord, to encourage them in trying times and comfort them at their weakest. You don’t have a kid one day and the next realize you are walking your daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, it would be a lot easier to skip those teenage years where everything causes her life to be over, but it doesn’t work that way. There are countless steps from birth to marriage and many more after marriage. We are called to lead them.
Our friends need us to help guide them, Christian and non-Christian alike. With our Christian friends, they need our fellowship, our love and our understanding in their difficult times, in their happy times, and just plain any time. With our non-Christian friends, they need our guidance, our compassion and our strength and prayers. We need to show them the right way and lead them in a way that no one else can, we need to shoe them the love of the Father and that he is there for them no matter what.  
            But my challenge and question to you is this, who is leading you? Is your job, your money your hobbies your school work, dictating to you what you are doing with your time? Or is our Father your guide? I am telling you honestly right now that you cannot walk this road alone; you cannot lead your wife, kids and friends unless you are following Gods lead. When the one that are close to you are going through life’s roughest spots God can give you the strength to lead them through it. I have been blessed to have a great Dad who was strong in his faith, and his love for his wife, 6 daughters and 1 son. It was his influence in my life that helped me to become the man that I am today. But I know that he spent many a night in prayer asking God for strength to go through each day. I have been even more blessed to have another Dad added to my life through the marriage of my beautiful wife who has given me guidance in a lot of things and encouraged me in trying times, and with Him too I know that he is a man of God and spends time talking to him and relying on his strength to get him through.
            This message is not only for husbands and fathers but to the future generation of men of God in our midst. Don’t start letting God lead you once you get married and have kids, start now. If you are a man of God it is your responsibility to train up the young men in your life in the way that they should go, they are watching you to see how you do things and what you say, and they are looking at how you treat your wife and kids, and they are influenced by it. This is for all men, rise up take a stand and let God know that you will let him lead you in all areas, now and forever.

        Thanks again everyone for reading, keep the faith and God bless!

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